Rug Repair - Stable Brooklyn 11218

Rug Repair

Area Rug Repairs

The most typical situation which we have to repair when we get rugs are often those with the ends worn-out

and this mainly because of the high foot traffic across the rug. In the majority of instances, we present the options of surging as well as

binding the edges. This is simply a style during which the area rug sides are closed. In case we are dealing with area rugs which are

hand-made, a single thread going in a looping style is used to do the surge. While in the circumstance of machine

area rugs, a surge may also be applied, but there is also the chance of employing binding pipethread sewn to the sides, seeing that

this really is the much easier solution to fix rug edges. Such type of repair requires a considerable amount of time, considering the fact that

surging is carried out by us in our area. We recommend that you have your rugs blocked as soon as they start to wrinkle

as well as lose their form. Blocking is a strategy that regulates the stress at the base of the rug. It may help to smooth

out creases and also restore the rug’s regular form. If it hug rug that’s stacked high, you could allow us to block it as well as

even shear it on your behalf. Not be afraid, not a single one of these techniques are going to produce any specific damage to your area rug.

Rug Dyeing

At A and B Carpet Cleaning, we dye just about all rugs. In spite of this, according to the fact that the dyeing practice is so accurate, it

really needs to be done off-site at our facility. We can easily dye dark locations, red spots, home furniture marks lighten up spots,

rust stains, sun fading and also pretty much all spots that are often located on a rug. The dyeing specialists will have to

perform an assessment of the area rug before a cost for the procedure can be identified. In case the concern being dealt with is

insignificant, it can take just about 2 weeks. While in case it is an intense issue, it just might take longer. However,

after the evaluation is performed, the specialist will provide you with information on how much time it can take in addition to the cost.

We also take the appropriate steps to ensure your safety is taken into account, so our dyeing appliances are both non-toxic as well as


Bind & Fringe Repairs

The solutions that we deliver involve fringing and full rug binding. We give Leather Binding, Tapestry

Binding, Instabind, Wide Fabric Binding and a host others which can be done numerous colors from white to black

and any kind of others that fall in between. Binding repairs as well as fringing are carried out by us in our facility off site, and we

will not subcontract any of the solutions that we present. A sample guide is also available for you to check out

exactly what we are going to give because it relates to a type of binding that you could want also.

Cutting & Latex Repair

We can cut area rugs to just about any specification in order to match and also suit almost any place, regardless of whether is a

few stairs or even a hallway. Depending on the situation, electric or hand trimming can be carried out, and we dispose of all of the

particles that may be still left after chopping is performed in our off site facility. In order to always keep the corners strong enough to work

on, we latex all rugs before we do any work on them. Without this technique, the fringing or binding

techniques might not be performed effectively. We did not stop thinking about your health, hence the reason we ensure that we utilize

cleaning chemicals which are non-toxic as well as odorless.